路惠捷, 女, 1988年8月10日出生。 于2006年在西安科技大学就读管理学院的会计专业。在2007年暑假,通过121项目,赴美国University of Nebraska at Kearney。主修Business,辅修会计。今年5月,在UNK完成全部课程,回国。2009年暑假,完成首部作品《632个最美的日落---留美杂记》
两年前的八月, 我离开北京飞到了大洋彼岸。随后开始了一段简单,但又充实;平淡,缺不缺惊喜的美国生活。初到芝加哥的机场,因为天气的原因,航班取消。UNK的一行人就在机场过了两夜。也第一次感觉到是一个人在外。虽然,那两个夜晚有着无聊的打法时间,少了行李里的种种的需要品。很快就将随身带的电话卡用过半。但也算的上是随后两年内最有意思的回忆。
因为是在国内的时候就考过了新托福,到那了以后就直接选了专业课。在西安科大的时候是会计专业,在申请学校的时候就没有改动,再加上UNK的商科有着AACSB的认证。所以我在UNK的专业就是主修商科,辅修会计。也是因为这个专业,学分的要求就相对高些。而且UNK对于转学分也有着很严格的要求, 大一的课程中就承认了数学和体育。有些学过的类似的课,还要重新学习。不过,从另外一方面来说,我也确实在这些课内学到了些新的东西。美国的教育体制和中国的有着明显的差异。 在国内的时候,大学基本和高中的区别可能就是,在高中的时候是有人逼着在学,有着数不清的考试。而大学,确实自由学习,基本是到考试跟前才会去学习。但是在UNK,每一门课,基本每一个月都会有考试。所以学习就很有连续性。虽然,在UNK的两年,课程的难度和强度都比大一的时候高了许多。但是,换来的是知识的收获。
第一个学期,因为想开始可能要有个适应的时期,就选了14个学分的课。结果,感觉有点太空闲。开始的课基本都是基础的课程,都不是很难。所以建议开始的时候可以选5门。这样,在后面的时候,每个学期就不会19,20个学分的学习了,尤其是课程多半为专业课的时候。另外,写作要求类的课也尽量在前面的学期平均安排。一个是因为,写作是基础课,在后来的Upper课程中,写作是基础。在那些课中,教授一般不会去重复最基本的格式,但要求确实不变的。其二,写作课相对于其他的课程来说,需要多一点的时间。后面的课程安排都比前面的紧张。往往就会发现很难找到许多空余的时间来完成写作的作业。在我最后一个学期的课程中,就有两门是Writing Intensive要求的课程,结果却将文学,历史也选在了一起。每个礼拜就觉得都有几千字的写作量,还不算其他的作业。
Two years in UNK
Huijie Lu, Female, born on August 10th, 1988. Huijie studied accounting major in XUST since 2006. In 2007, due to 121 programs, she went to University of Nebraska at Kearney studying business major, accounting minor. On May 2009, Huijie completed all the courses in UNK and back home.
Two years ago, I left Beijing and flied to U.S. Afterward, I began a simple, easy, but also a life full of surprises. When I just arrival Chicago’s airport, due to the bad weather, the next flight cancelled. Our group of people stayed in the airport for two nights. That is the first time I feel I am alone. Although, those two nights were boring and lack of goods from our luggage, that still one of the most memorial nights during two years.
Two days later, I left the rainy days and found Nebraska welcomed us by the bright sunshine. Also, I discover Nebraska has the most beautiful sunset. The rest of days, I waited for my luggage. The warm welcomes from international department made me feel great about next two years.
As I already past IBT before I left, I choose courses directly. Also I did not change my major, plus UNK is under AACSB system. By this reason, the credits have a higher requirement, as well as transfer credits. Such as I only got math an PE transferred from freshmen year in XUST. Some of the courses are quite similar, but I have to study again. On the other hand, I did learn something new things. The education system between U.S. and China are so different. Back home, collage and high school have a obviously various point. It is in high school, students are under pressures, teachers are forcing students to learn. In collage, there are a lot of freedoms on study, but students usually do study only two or one week before the final tests. However, in UNK, every class has test very month. Even the courses are harder; I did learn things from them.
In the first semester, I only choose 14 credits hours for adjusting. As a result, I felt too much free time. The beginning courses are almost general studies. They are not hard. So I suggest it is better to choose five courses in the first semester. Then on the later time, it could avoid to choose 19 or 20 credit hours each semester, especially when most of the courses are major courses. Also, it could be better to arrange writing intensive (WI) courses in the beginning one or two semester. For one reason is that writing is one of the most basic skills for all the courses. In Upper courses, professors do not teaching the format, but the requirement is not change. The other reason is that writing needs more time than other assignment. Upper courses are harder than prior courses. It is hard o find a lot of spare time to finish every task. On my last semester, I got two WI courses plus literature and history. So every week I got thousands of words to write besides other assignments.
Although the courses are tough, professors of UNK were given me their best advising. In UNK, professors treat each student as different individual. When I got questions, there always a great solution. However, the kindness of professors does not equal to higher grades at he end of semester. Those professors are strict to the grading policies. Attendance is another factor very important reflects on grades. In most of cases, professors made attendance as a part of grade. A prefect attendance is not only to show respect to professors, but also presents a positive attitude during study. Because of the elective method using on select courses, students could choose whenever they want their courses is. There is no reason provide for low attendances. For students exchanged by 121 programs, due to the visa and study as the single aim, here is a low chance for working outside campus. In this way, study is the most important thing during two years. High attendance is a practical way to made it come true.
For me, two years in UNK, besides English improved, I also developing the way to think. On class, professors hope students thinking themselves in the right direction, instead telling a result. For example, in physics class, professors let students do experiment and gain a conclusion before telling students the right one. Also, professors more concerted on the process of study, not the test result in some level. Maybe a student could get straight A on the course, but that does not means he could get A at the final grade. There also a chance he might be fails on the class. This kind of open method of education made me to break the original limits in my mind. I never imagine speech could become one of my favorite courses in the two years. I had to learn Speech as it is a general study course. But after a month, I found I like speech itself. Speech become much more interesting, it is no longer torturing. By the time, it is the right before Beijing Olympic Games began. I talked about “Free Tibet” and harmony of China. I found only when people outside China, the passion of home country present much better.
Every Spring Festival and Middle-Autumn Day, Chinese students were getting together and celebrating it. There is no great Chinese food in Kearney. So we are cooking ourselves. After two years, the cooking skills improved a lot as well. When everyone showing Chinese culture on the Spring Festival Party, even we have to stay up for adjusting every small detail, we think it worth it. That is a natural pride. When we met some unkind questions, we did our best to explain the facts.
Study is the goal for me in the two years, but I did my best to learn about American culture and society. Through Friendship Family Program, I know a great American family. With them, I know more about their life like. The camping experience is one of the most interesting experiences I ever had. When I just arrival Kearney, I complain about the bored life, there is no where to go for entertainment. However, when I have to leave there, I miss the simple lifestyle of life a lot. I had several trips during breaks. In my opinion, studying major knowledge is one way to learn, but during traveling, it is another way to learn about this country. I went to nearly 25 cities in two years. From New Orleans, to New York City, Santa Fe and Honolulu, I got new experiences differ than I learned from books about those places. When I visiting Seattle, the way that people are working in Parker Market and the first Starbucks store is reflecting their positive attitude of life.
When I wandering on the street of New York City, I realized I am used to arrange my own life. I am growing during the two years. Everything are worth to remember. I learned a lot though failures and hard working for tests. I get what I paid for. Thanks to the 121 programs offer the opportunity.
Lu Huijie
Student of Xi’an University of Science and Technology
May 2009