在美国的第一年,由于是住在学生公寓里的,所以有meal plan。这就意味着我们只能吃学校食堂的饭菜。虽然学校食堂很干净,而且食物也让人放心,但是我还是觉得不适应。有时觉得还不如和点稀饭或者是煮一包方便面。过了第一年,我就住到了其他地方,没有了meal plan,我和储聪可以自己做饭吃。在那个时候,由于沃尔玛里学校不远,而且还有免费的bus,所以我们几乎隔天就回去沃尔玛。
印第安纳州只有一个稍微大点的亚洲超市,而且离鲍尔州立大学有将近一个小时的车程。 加之我和楚楚都没有车,所以去亚洲超市对我们来说是件奢侈的事。还好有个朋友会不定时的带我们去亚洲超市。每次去亚洲超市都很高兴,我们2个人会买好多东西,其中有很多速冻水饺,包子一类的。最想告诉以后出国的学弟学妹们,出国是没必要带那么多东西,我们是去美国留学,不是去越南,在美国,几乎可以买到任何你可以在国内买到的东西。
刚到美国的时候学习主要是学语言,要通过语言关。教语言的老师大部分都很好,对学生负责任又耐心。我们每星期只上大约30个钟头的课,比起国内来,是显得十分轻松,有许多课余时间让我出去逛街和休息。当第一个学期结束的时候, 因为语言程度的关系,我跟一些朋友分开上课了。我开始了自己独自去上课,面对周围都是与自己不同的面孔,而且一开始上课的时候有点不适应。去当自己是涨见识了。
中国的大学生除了那几所有名气的之外,其他的都基本在混,四年本科根本什么都没有学到。美国的大学教育制度放松之余也很严格,想要轻松拿到毕业证书不是那么容易,所以我们更要加倍努力。美国对学生要求全面综合性,这一点对一个人的综合素质很有帮助。这些尤其体现在美国大学的课程设置上。在国内我是文科生,对立刻的东西几乎一无所知。到了美国,一下子成了理科生了,并且要上好多理科的课程。学校有大学生核心课程-UCC(university century course)。化学课对中国学生来说不是很难,基本都是高中的化学知识。世界历史和世界地理这两门课是大学生必选课。我作为一名文科生,而且有相对好的历史地理基础,面对这两门课也是无可奈何。在最后一个学期,我选了一门自然地理,上这门课时老师将什么基本不知道,考试时题目基本看不明白。让我对地理失去了信心,但是还是要学习的。
在美国我看了一些现场歌剧,也听了好几场交响乐演奏。我觉得这是件好事,在国内这种机会不多,而且花费也高,即使这样,也不一定能欣赏到高水平的表演。利用课余时间我去了美过很多的城市。纽约市是最值得去的地方。 有的人觉得纽约就是高楼大厦,其实不然。 在纽约的唐人街,我吃到了让我热泪盈眶的西安名吃-肉夹馍和凉面。和几个朋友一起在帝国大厦对面的星巴克里用搅拌棒当筷子吃了凉面。还有就是华盛顿也值得一去。应为是和朋友一起去的,其中的一个学长在网上订了可以进入国会大厦和华盛顿纪念塔的票, 所以觉得不枉此行。建议以后有人去华盛顿的时候也可以订到票(是免费的),去参观一下。
Life in the United States
Cao Yao Yin, female, born on November 2, 1987 of lunar calenda, Yulin City in Shaanxi Province, entered the Xi'an University of Technology Department of Foreign Languages in 2006. August 16, 2008, I participated in the 1 +2 +1 International Educational Exchange,became a student at Ball State University, Department of Business Administration and completed all of the Ball State University courses in December 23,2010. I have no idea about what to do after my graduated now.
From Beijing Capital Airport, after sixteen-hour flight, finally, we got to the Indiana state capital Indianapolis. Out of the airport, there is the school's reception staff holding a sign to pick us up. When Bounding to college by car, I looked outside, just a piece of dark, cannot see anything, after 2 hours driving, everyone is tired to death. The next morning, some friends and I went for a walk, the United States is the green fields, and the sky is blue. But the United States did not like Beijing or Shanghai is full of tall buildings, I felt like coming to a big country.
In the United States, 2 and half years, I have two roommates in total. The first is an American, named Ruiqi Er (Rachel). I think she was not helpful to me, whether English or life. Both two of us are not actively talking to strangers, even people who lived together. I did not understand one thing about Rachel, her favorite star. She likes two stars, one is China Taiwan entertainer Chenglin Yang, the other is TVXQ. When she looked at Chinese with English subtitles of Taiwan idol drama, I have a special silent.
The second roommate is a Chinese - Chu Chung, she was 1 +2 +1 students also, whose professionals was also business management, came from Southwest Petroleum University of China. Chu Cong is my best friends in the United States. As we close, very harmonious living together, learning together, cooking, housework, shopping. 2 and half years in the United States, I have almost 2 years lived with Chu Chung, so, I can understand most of the Sichuan dialect.
In the U.S., I learned a lot, not only scientific and cultural knowledge, but also knowledge of everyday life and interpersonal. It sounds quite old-fashioned, but a fact. The feeling in the United States studying was only two words: living death. Some courses are taken a lot of effort but also facing the risk.
In a foreign country, in the face of a strange world, really a bit overwhelmed. From then on, everything on my own, and life did not like the immortal life at home. A few days after the beginning of a new life are to ask myself what to eat.
The first year in the United States, because it is live in student apartments, so there are “meal plan”. This means that we can only eat the school cafeteria meals. While the school cafeteria is very clean, and the food is also reassuring, but I still feel right. Sometimes I feel a packet of rice noodles was better. After the first year, I live to other places, out of meal plan; I can cook our own food with Chu Chung. At that time, Wal-Mart was not far from the school with the free bus, so we almost went to Wal-Mart every two days.
Indiana has only slightly larger Asian supermarkets, and need nearly an hour by car from Ball State University. We did not have a car, so go to Asian supermarkets for us are a luxury. Fortunately, a friend often takes us to the Asian supermarket. Every time we go Asian supermarket was very happy and bought a lot of things, many of them are frozen dumplings, steamed stuffed bun of a class. Just want to tell the future of Benedictine College Shanghai Campus abroad, going abroad is not necessary take too many things, we are going to America to study, not go to Vietnam, in the U.S., you can buy almost anything you want buy in our own country.
From the vast ocean of knowledge to simple cooking and cleaning, from the wonderful to the lingering nostalgia exotic, colorful living abroad cannot conceal the many real-life frustration, emptiness and loneliness. At this time, I found the PPS; I use it to watch a lot of Hong Kong TV drama series and American Idol. But I have more important things to do.
When arrived in the United States the key is learning the language, pass the language barrier. Most teachers teach the language well, the students responsible and patient. We had about only 30 hours of classes a week, compared to China, is it is very easy, there are a lot of spare time for me to go out shopping and rest. When the first end of the term, because the language level, I separated with some friends to class. I started my own to go to class, in the face surrounded with their different faces, and one struggling in the beginning of classes.
China's universities are in addition to all the fame that few, four-year College do not learn anything. University education system in the United States apart from very strict to relax, you want to easily get a diploma is not so easy, so we must redouble our efforts. The United States requires a comprehensive and integrated student, and this is helpful to a person's overall quality. These particularly evident are in the curriculum in American universities. I am a liberal arts student in the country, almost nothing of the things immediately. To the United States, had suddenly become a science, and to the many science courses. School students the core curriculum-UCC (university century course). Chemistry class is not difficult for Chinese students, the basic high school knowledge of chemistry is. Both world history and world geography will be elective course for college students. As a liberal arts students, a relatively good historical and geographical basis, the face of no alternative in either subject. In the last semester, I chose a physical geography, on the door what are the basic lessons the teacher will not know the basic subject of examination do not understand. I lost faith in geography, but still have to learn.
I watched some opera scene in the U.S. also listened to several symphonies. I think this is a good thing, not many such opportunities in our country, and the cost is too high, even then, we would not be able to enjoy a high level of performance. Spare time I went to the United States and many of the cities. New York City is the most worthy place to go. Some people think New York is just full of high-rise buildings, it is not true. New York's Chinatown, I found Xi'an Cuisines - Roujia Mo and cold noodles. A few friends at the Starbucks opposite are the Empire State Building with a stirring rod as chopsticks to eat noodles. There is also worth to visit in Washington. With friends, one of which seniors can be booked online access to the Capitol and Washington Monument of the votes, so that the trip worthwhile. Recommendations will go to Washington when someone can be set to vote (free), go visit it.

朋友看NBA(中) with friends to see NBA

初到美国,与同学在基督教堂前 First came to the United States, with friends in the Christian students.

在美国的最南端(前排右一) with friends in the southernmost United States

在美国的最南端(前排右一) with friends in the southernmost United States

在纽约自由女神像前(右一) With friends in New York, the Statue of Liberty