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发布时间:2016年11月02日 阅读量:


兹证明西安科技大学学业本科成绩评定采用百分制或五级计分制标准,即优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格或A、 B 、C、 D、 E分别转化为百分制相对应成绩为95分、85分、75分、65分及 < 60分。



Certification for Grade System

We hereby certify that Xi’an University of Science and Technology uses hundred percentage point system or five-scale letter grade system on Academic transcript of undergraduate. The equivalency of letter grade transferring to hundred percentage point system is as follow,

A= 95, Excellence; B = 85,Good; C = 75, Medium; D = 65, Pass;

E < 60, Fail; in according with the regulations on “Students handbook of Xi’an University of Science and Technology”.

Academic Affairs Office

Xi’an University of Science and Technology

Date of issue: July 13, 2016