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发布时间:2016年10月26日 阅读量:


1、 开学前为外教提供英文版教学大纲,教学课本,课程表 (注明:上课时间、地点、学生年级及专业、课程名称、上课周数和考试周数),自己的联系方式,班车时间表,学生名单(拼音姓名及英语名字)及学号。

2、 第一次上课时,引领外教到上课地点,并讲解学校教学楼分布。

3、 外教第一次上课如中午需要休息,引领外教到教师公寓,并与公寓管理员协商,安排外教休息地点。

4、 帮助外教办理就餐卡,并在外教第一次就餐时,引领外教到教工就餐区。

5、 为外教准备英文进度表,以便外教填写,并介绍将进度表输入我校“在线教务”的方法。

6、 向外教介绍平时,期中(教师自行安排),期末成绩所占比例。

7、 为外教准备考试模板,以便外教出题。外教出完题后,外教联络员负责将试题交给考试中心,并按时到考试中心领取印好的试卷交给外教。

8、 为外教提供英文版考场记录单、试卷分析报告。

9、 为外教提供学生成绩单,并解释其使用方法及学生总评成绩的网络输入方法。

10、 及时与外教联系,获得学生成绩单,并送交教务处。

11、 将外教整理好的学生试卷交至外语系存档。

12、 将学校班车的时间变动、放假、补课等的安排及时通知外教。

13、 经常与外教沟通,了解教与学的问题,及时向外语系反馈。


Foreign Language Department


1. To offer the international teacher a teaching program, textbooks, a class schedule (with information about time, classrooms, the grade and major of the students, course names, term weeks and examination weeks), a timetable of the school bus and a students’ name list (names in Pin in and English names) before a semester begins, and give the international teacher contact details (mobile number, email address, etc.)

2. To accompany the international teacher to the classroom when it is the first time for the international teacher to deliver a lecture, and introduce the locations of the teaching buildings.

3. To accompany the international teacher to the teacher’s dormitory for the first time and help to arrange a bed for the international teacher to have a rest.

4. To accompany the international teacher to the teacher’s cafeteria for the first time.

5. To provide the international teacher with the form in English version to fill in his or her syllabus, and show them the way to key the syllabus to the University Website

6. To inform the international teacher that students’ final scores consist of three parts: class performance (attendance, participation of class activities and their homework) covering 30%, mid-term examinations (arranged by the teachers themselves) covering 20%, final examinations covering 50%.

7. To show the international teacher the way to use standardized examination form to design his or her test papers and help to send his or her papers to the Examination Administration Center. To fetch the examination papers on due time and give them to the international teacher.

8. To provide the international teacher with an English version of Examination Room Record and an Analysis Report of the examination papers and the results.

9. To fetch the Students’ Achievement Reports from the Examination Administration Center and give them to the international teacher, and show him or her the way to fill them in and the way to key the students’ final scores to the University Website.

10. To send the Students’ Achievement Reports to Examination Administration Center.

11. To help the international teacher to send the packed Examination papers to the Foreign Language Department.

12. To inform the international teacher the change of school bus timetable and the date for holidays in time.

13. To contact the international teacher and if any problem related to teaching and the students’ leaning has been met with, timely inform the Foreign Language Department which will help to solve the problems.

(April 5, 2006)