Vietnam National University, Hanoi
VNU is the largestcomprehensive higher education and research center in Vietnam, recognized as the bestuniversity in Vietnam.Located in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, VNU is entrusted with the task ofproducing highly qualified human resources and talents for theindustrialization and modernization of the country. VNU holds a specialposition in Vietnam’s higher education system.
VNUhas the mission of: Producing high quality human resources and cultivatetalents; Promoting advanced science, technology, renovation and knowledgetransference; and Playing the role of a pioneer in the reforming of Vietnam’shigher education system.
CurrentlyVNU has more than 21,000 undergraduate students and more than 10,000 graduateand doctoral students, with more than 1,000 faculty members.
Introductionof Program
SocialistRepublic of Vietnam, a close neighboring country of China, is a populouscountry of the “Belt and Road Initiative” with a rapid economic development.There are values in Vietnam that are worthy to learn from as college students.At the same time, in order to increase awareness of internationalization andinternational communication capabilities, the 2019 “Belt and Road Initiative”Short-term Study and Field Trip program is held. It aims to give participatingstudents an in-depth understanding of economy, culture history of Vietnam.Meanwhile, through the close interaction and collaboration between collegestudents of China and Vietnam, the friendship will be promoted so as theexchange of folk culture between China and Vietnam.
Chineseand Vietnamese students will jointly participate in this program in groups.This program consists of lessons, field trips, interact lecture with company,cultural experiences. On closing ceremony, there will be group presentation andcomments from teachers. This program is co-hosted by Vietnam NationalUniversity and Xiangfei Global Education Group.
Program Schedule
Schedule |
Morning 8:00-12:00 |
Afternoon 14:00-17:00 |
Evening 19:00-20:00 |
Course study and Fieldtrips in Hanoi |
Day 1 |
Arrival in Hanoi |
Check-in |
Welcoming Dinner |
Day 2 |
Opening Ceremony Orientation Campus tour Lesson: Introduction to Economy of Vietnam |
Lesson: Daily Vietnamese Learning |
Free time |
Day 3 |
Lesson: Introduction to History of Vietnam |
Conduct a theme research according to group topic freely |
Free time |
Day 4 |
Lesson: Priority Industry of Vietnam |
Visit Hanoi University |
Free time |
Day 5 |
Lesson: Cultural Differences between Northern and Southern Vietnam |
Lecture on Opportunity and Difficulty for Chinese Enterprises |
Free time |
Day 6 |
Lesson: Introduction to Diplomacy of Vietnam |
Visit Vietnam National Museum |
Free time |
Day 7 |
Group Presentation Closing Ceremony |
Free time |
Free time |
Returning |
Day 8 |
Returning |
Schedule aboveis customized comprehensively. The actual arrangement of university shallprevail. There are possibilities of adjustment.
Program Details
报名截止时间: 2018年12月15日
Program Time: January 20th, 2019 to January 27th, 2019 (8 days)
Deadline for application: December 15th,2018
调研费用 :6800元人民币/人
Program Fee: 6800 RMB
Fee Includes: Tuition fee, fieldtripfee, cultural experience fee,accommodation fee, oversea insurance, international delivery fee, invitationfee, visa application fee, transportation fee within cities, breakfasts and lunches inHanoi.
Fee excludes: International flights,transportation outside of Hanoi, passport application fee, over-weight luggagefee, shopping, dinner in Hanoi, other fees that are not included.
Requirements for applicants:
Current undergraduate, graduate students
How to apply
According to announcement of university.