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发布时间:2016年10月26日 阅读量:



性别: 女



留学时间:2005年8月至 2008年 8月












My experience in Troy

Name: Yu Rong

University of China: Xi’an Science and Technology University

Sex: Female

Major: Art Design

University of America: Troy University

Time: August, 2005 to August, 2008

Time goes fast these years: I have been in Troy for three years, but I feel like I have learned a lot of things during these three years. It’s not only about finishing the study; but also teaching me how to deal my life independently. Otherwise, my philosophy about life, value and world has been changed.

The study in Troy University

The study in USA is different from the study in China. The study turns to be hard if you don’t prepare for the class. It’s mainly because the language difference(probably my english is lower than the level which I needed there.) So the preparing is extra important for me. At the first class of the semester, the professor hands out a schedule to every student. The schedule clearly lists out the dates when the given topics will be talking about, and when the quizs and tests will be taken. Reading and understanding the schedule is the most important thing at the beginning of the semester. Of course, you need to prepare to do what the schedule requires. I did not care about the schedule at the first semester, I thought attending every class was far more enough. Then I found I got some troubles at two business classes: some quizs would take without announcement. The first quiz came so suddenly that I only got 5 points in 100 points. The result really hurt me, I felt so chagrin that I cried in my apartment. It made me think I am so lonely here, I had no idea about my future, such kind stuffs. But I knew I should make some notes and read that before class, although it would be several pages long. I made some progress in the third time, I made 50 that time. I knew that was not enough, but making progress was good. During that time, I always studied until 2 o’clock, pretty late, yes, I should do it in that way. I got better and better for I kept on doing these. And I got what I desired finally—I made a 100 in a qizz. From 5 to 100, this was a process that I learned to adapt to the American study. In the process, I found how to study independently and effective. And once again, I believe “No pain, no gain.”

Some views about US students

Before I had been in this country, I thought the students here were free of study pressure. I found it was totally wrong, at least, it’s not like that here. The students here attend the classes regularly, spend twice time after class. Of course not all of them, but a large part of them; they study hard in every class, and they all take part-time jobs in the weekends. They paid the tuition by themselves with the money they got from the work.

The independent and lonely life

After the air plane took off in Beijing International Airport, I knew I would live by myself. At first, I thought it was just a little bit difference than the life in Xi’an. When I was in Xi’an, I washed the clothes by myself, lived in the dorm with my roommates. It seemed like there would be no difference in the USA. I changed this mind after I arrived Troy 3 days: What should I eat daily? Do I need to buy a car? I felt the life here was pretty hard without a vehicle; and my money would quickly used up if I continued eating in the restaurant. So I tried to cook the meals by myself, my first time cooking cost me about one and a half hour, and the food was not good. I got through the cooking stuff after about 3 weeks, it was a pretty boring process. The school bus to the Wal-Mart was only on Thursday and Saturday, and it was very cloud on the bus, whick made me make my mind to buy a vehicle. I bought one after I passed the TOFUL test.

The college life here

There were a lot of leagues here, and every league would hold some parties for some events. The party offered a good place for every student to communicate with others. It was not so right to spend all the time in the library: you did not speak here, you had no chance to improve your oral english. In my mind, language is a tool that could help you to communicate with others. So attending some leagues which you interest in, and made friends there. It was far better than reading some history records. What’s more, trying to communicate with the local students that could help you better understand the cultures in that country.

My mind about Americans

It always says that Americans are helpless and distant. After I lived here, I found it’s a wrong viewpoint about them. A lot of Americans are helpful, they willing to help you when you are in trouble. It probably because a large number of them are puritan. Smiling to a stranger is common here, and the smile pass from one to another. I even think the social here is build on this smile and every hot heart. When I am back to China, I find it is so hard to ask a direction here. Helpless is more common in a socialistic country.

The environment in Troy

When I was a child, the sky was so blue and the air was fresh in my hometown. After the 20 years development, the people got richer, but the environment was almost destroyed by the serious pollution. When I got up first moring in Troy, I smelled it was so fresh here. The green could see everywhere, the sky was high and clean with nothing fixed in. Probably it was because the number of population was not so large here; but I thought the most important reason should be that every system here was maturity.

Where I arrived

In the three years, I had seen the most pretty fireworks in the Epcot(Orlando Disney World) twice; I visit New York and Capital Washington D.C in a hurry; and My own long travel to the Houston to watch the playoff (Sadly, I just saw Yao Ming on the bench and Houston Rockets played so awful in the first game). Even which I almost forgot, the dangerous trip in the Great Smoky Moutain. And I spent a week in the Las Vegas in my first winter vacation.

My feelings about Troy and USA in a whole compact

The school life here taught me independently study and live, and how to study effective. I think I could study better after these experience. In addition, I want to make my effort to improve my country.

Rong Yu

October 2008

Xi'an University of Science and Technology