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发布时间:2016年10月26日 阅读量:


1、 按照教学大纲、教学计划进行教学。

2、 开学第一周填写教学进度表,第二周将进度表输入我校网站“在线教务”,并将电子版交给外教助理(可通过电子邮件的形式)。

3、 给学生布置口头或书面作业,并按学生的出勤、课堂表现、作业完成情况记录学生的平时成绩。

4、 备有教案,包括教学内容,教学重点和难点。

5、 考试前三周按学校的统一模版出考试题和补考题,由外教助理将考试题和补考题交至考试中心。


a 考试课程的考试时间、地点、监考人员由教务处安排,于考试周进行。任课教师不一定被安排监考,但考试后由外教助理将试卷送交任课教师(外教)平分。

b 考查课考试时间、地点由任课教师自行安排,于考试周的前一周进行。外语系将负责安排监考人员协助监考。(请至少提前一周将考试安排通知外语系)

6、 参加监考,填写考场记录单。

7、 评阅试卷,并将学生的总评成绩输入我校网站。填写学生成绩单,考试后三天(最迟在放假前)将成绩单交给外教助理交至教务处。

8、 按学生的学号顺序整理试卷,并与试卷、答案、考试分析报告和考场记录单一起交给外教助理,交外语系存档。

9、 每两周一次,参加并指导学生的英语角(全校学生包括外语系的学生)。

10、 每两周一次,于周三下午三点参加外语系的教学法活动。

11、 教学过程中遇到任何教与学的问题,及时与联络员联系,由外语系协助解决。



1. To teach in accordance with teaching syllabus and teaching plan.

2. To fill out the teaching syllabus in the first week of a semester, key it into the university website in the second week, and give the Part-time Teaching Assistant an electronic copy (preferably by email).

3. To assign the students oral or written homework and keep a record of each student based on their attendance, participation of class activities and their homework.

4. To prepare the teaching plan in written form with teaching content, focal points and difficult points.

5. To design the examination papers in a standardized form three weeks in advance of the examination being taken, and give them to the Part-time Teaching Assistant to get them printed by the Examination Administration Center. (For each course two versions of the examination papers are supposed to be prepared).

Note: There are two kinds of examinations:

a. Subjects to be examined will be arranged by the Educational Administration Department to take place in the examination weeks including time, rooms and invigilators. The teacher of this course is not necessarily one of the invigilators. The examination papers will be handed in by the Part-time Teaching Assistant to the teacher to get them marked after the examination has been taken.

b. Subjects to be checked will be arranged by the teachers themselves to

take place one week earlier than the examination weeks. The teacher concerned is entitled to arrange the time and place (supposing the room will not be used then) for the examination. Foreign Language Department will arrange for more invigilators to help with the invigilation. (Please inform the Foreign Language Department of the time and place of the examination at least one week earlier).

6. To invigilate exams and fill in forms of Examination Room Record.

7. To mark the examination papers, key the students’ final scores to the University Website, keep the students’ scores in Students’ Achievement Report and give the Report to the Part-time Teaching Assistant who will send them to the Examination Administration Center three days after the examination or if late, no later than the termination of the term.

8. To pack the students’ examination papers up in the order of the students’ numbers and give them to the Part-time Teaching Assistant and keep them in Foreign Language Department. The following are also supposed to be prepared: a copy of the examination papers, a copy of keys to the examination papers, an Analysis Report of the examination papers and the results and an Examination Room Record.

9. To instruct English Corner once two weeks (English majors and non-English majors)

10. To take part in seminars held by the Foreign Language Department once two weeks (3:00 Wednesday afternoon).

11. To get into touch with the teaching assistant when coming across any problem related to teaching. The Foreign Language Department will help to solve the problems.

(April 5, 2006)